

Use the well as a simple effect on an element to give it an inset effect. You can even control the sizes of your wells with well-sm, and well-lg classes

All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.
Trout, incidentally, had written a book about a money tree. It had twenty-dollar bills for leaves. Its flowers were government bonds. Its fruit was diamonds. It attracted human beings who killed each other around the roots and made very good fertilizer.
Words! Mere words! How terrible they were! How clear, and vivid, and cruel! One could not escape from them. And yet what a subtle magic there was in them! They seemed to be able to give a plastic form to formless things, and to have a music of their own as sweet as that of viol or of lute. Mere words! Was there anything so real as words?
<div class="well well-sm">...</div>
<div class="well">...</div>
<div class="well well-lg">...</div>


  • Total Revenue

    $241,750 +13.6%

  • Products Sold

    11,562 +19.2%

  • Total Orders

    1,249 -10.5%

Demo Settings
Fixed Header
Boxed Layout
Collapse Leftbar
Collapse Rightbar
Horizontal Icons
Header Colors
Sidebar Colors
Boxed Layout Options